International Fellowship Program on
Nonviolence and Peace
Study Material -
Logic of Truth
Brain Storming: What is Truth?
Chinedu : Truth in my opinion
would refer to anything that constitutes a fact of reality.
Akshaya : Truth is eternal and
based on facts of life, can’t be changed as per one’s own whims and perception; Truth is being honest to
oneself and other
Malephoto: Truth is that which exists and cannot be denied or hidden, it is the inner most feeling and reality
Mohan : Truth is being honest
Raheeq : Truth is to be myself
without any mask
Uchehera : Truth is the act of saying what is right or saying that which right, not saying that which lies (is wrong)
II. The logic of Truth
a. For Gandhi, Truth (Satya) is God (goal) and nonviolence – ahimsa is the religions (means)
i. Satya hi Ishwar hai (Truth alone is God)
b. The word ‘satya’ is derived from the root word ‘sat’
The function of that which ‘exists’ is satya or Truth
It means, the function of the Universe, and all It encompasses, the earth,
the sun and galaxy … is the Truth.
The existence and its function together is satya the Truth. It is
the Largest Reality, Largest Existence, Largest Truth.
For example, Earth exists, and therefore Earth is sat. Earth is not static, but a dynamic experience.This dynamic experience has a rta (order), compliance to the norm of nature. Its function (rotation, revolution, gravitation) is in absolute obedience to the law of Nature. Earth never violates. It does not function approximately, of irregularly. That nonviolation makes earth exists. If earth is real, the sat, it exists because of nonviolence
f. And this Truth has a pattern
Functional:This Reality, Truth, is not static, but a dynamic reality. The
earth, the universe is a functional reality.
Orderly:There is an order in the function of earth, sun, solar system, galaxy… the
function of all of them is orderly.
Law:If there is an order, then that order must be governed by a law.
Adherence to Law: The order is possible only when that law is followed non-violatively by all
We call it compliance to the law, adherence to the law, obedience to the
law or non-violation of the law.
All these together form the function or the satya or the Truth.
The Law which Gandhi was talking not a mundane law. In the case of mundane
law we normally have in mind the legislature, executive and judiciary. He was taking
about a higher law that governs the universe
ii. It is the law of the Creation,
iii. It is the Law of Nature, Law of the Being,
iv. It is the Law of the Truth
v. For Gandhi, this Law is the Truth.
vi. He said “that this universe of sentient being is governed by a law. If you
can think of a Law without its giver I would say that Law is the Lawgiver, that
is God.” He and his Laws are one. The
Law is God… He is Truth, Love and Law…”
vii. When we make laws not consistent
with universal laws we are acting against the laws of nature.
h. Life is Truth
Life ‘exists’; life is real, therefore, life is ‘sat’
According to Gandhi, Life is the closest manifestation of the Truth
or God
As the saying goes, ‘as is the macrocosm so is the microcosm’ (yathapindetathabrahmande). The Universe is the macrocosm; life (and in
particular, individual life) is the microcosm
For us humans, ‘life’ is the closest manifestation of God. In other words:
Life is the central principle
‘To live’ is our purpose
Society is the way we can make life possible
viii. Positive values make social life possible.
Hence, for humans, all the above put together becomes the ‘Truth’
Compiled by D
John Chelladurai, Prof. and Head, Dept. of Gandhian Studies, Mahatma Gandhi
Mission University, Aurangabad, MS, India – 431003
Truth is God. It is absolute.