
Ivan Illich's address of January 1978 about the message of Gandhi's home at Sevagram, Wardha, India

  The Message of Bapu's Hut                                           Ivan Illich      In January 1978, the famous thinker and man revolutionary ideas, Ivan Illich came to Sevagram to inaugurate a conference. During the stay he spent his maximum time sitting in Gandhiji's hut. He tried to imbibe the spirit of peace and expressed it in his inimitable style in his inaugural speech to the conference. Here is a unique tribute to the hut and what it stands for.  Friends:   Today in the morning while I was sitting in this hut where Mahatma Gandhi lived, I was trying to absorb the spirit of this concept and imbibe in me its message. There are two things about the hut which have impressed me greatly. One is its spiritual aspect and the other is the aspect of his amenities. I was trying to understand Gandhi's point of view in regard to making the hut, I very much liked its simplicity, beauty and neatness. The hut proclaims the principle of love and equality with everybody. Since

Alternative Models of Development

    Alternative Models of Development Siby K. Joseph  Part -1  While introducing the concept of development we have seen how this evolved in the post- second world war period . But one has to keep in mind that the world we live in today is entirely different from the post-war economy of 1944. The inadequacies and limitations of the mainstream development model developed in the post war economy have become more and more evident   than ever before. It led to search for alternative models and concepts of development even within the basic framework of mainstream economics. Even though for decades the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) remained as the main criterion in the hands of economists to measure economic development or growth of a country nowadays there is a growing realization that it is the high time to leave GDP behind. As a result of this realization exclusive pursuit of economic growth and rising incomes are no longer considered as main goals of development.   A number of new c

Introducing the Concept of Development Siby K. Joseph

    Introducing the Concept of Development Siby  K Joseph   As all of you know that  the International fellowship Program has four modules. Th first module is Global Sustainability      Challenges and Response: An Analysis. Th first unit is Development . We can’t   discuss about sustainability     without understanding the concept of development in the mainstream economics. The term development is used in different academic disciplines from management to health sciences. The very meaning of the concept of development differs according to the academic discipline. Here the focus is mainstream economics. Though the term development economics originated became a popular term in later times it was of concern of economists starting with Adam Smith who was the Father of Modern Economics. Adam Smith was an 18th-century Scottish economist, philosopher, and popularised the concept of economic policy of  laissez-faire   economy French term  laissez-faire   means  "leave alone" /  &qu

Text of the Speech of Dr. Nahla Harb

  Nahla Harb IFPNP-2024 Speech of Guest of  Honour:AUNOHR University ,  Lebanon   On behalf of Dr. Ogarit Younan  by   Dr. Nahla Harb Clinical Psychologist Senior Expert and Trainer In Nonviolent Education   Thank you word… Thank you Dr. Siby Joseph, the dear friend of Dr. Ogarit  and Dr. Walid, and the director of this promising program. Also, a special thanks to the organizers. Regards for the lecturers, the trainers and the students from all around the world.   From the complexity of the context to the hope of nonviolence Some people may find it a little bit weird to speak about nonviolence while we are under harsh attacks; while our children, women, elderly and men are being killed, displaced and suffering from cold, hunger and different types of trauma etc.; while governments of the “strong” world” are parachuting theories and modalities on how the shooting and bombing should or could stop. Millions of people are displaced and lost loved ones in allover our area.

Special Message from Louis Campana IFPNP Inaugural Session

  Louis Campana President, Gandhi International, France   First of all, let me thank all of you for joining this online international fellowship programme on nonviolence and peace     organized by Sevagram Ashram Pratishthan, coordinated by the Jamnalal Bajaj Memorial Library and Research Centre for Gandhian Studies in association with Gandhi International, Academic University College for Non-Violence and Human Rights-AUNOHR, MGM University and International Centre of Nonviolence, Durban University of Technology I would like to thank Joseph Siby for his ability to promote Gandhian thought as well as other members of associating universities especially   our friends   Younan Ogarit, Ettang Dorcas   and John Chelladurai for   their contributions in making this program a reality . May they be honored! I also apologize for my absence I would have loved to be with all of you. Lanza del Vasto came to India to meet Gandhi in 1937, it was not to see someone who was telling insipid nonsen